My Grandparents have both been married over sixty years. They never lived with someone, they didn't get divorced, they were very active in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and they both raised wonderful children. Like most people, they weren't perfect but always worked out the low times. My grandparents are great examples to me of how I want my future marriage to turn out. It takes hard work, commitment, and communication.
My dad works with a lady who has been married for the third time in the last ten years. She wonders why my brothers are getting married, but then she cohabits with men. In Marriage and Family by Lauer, it says that:
If you are among the educated going into a first marriage, are at least in your mid-20s to marry, are strongly religious and marrying someone of the same faith, and haven't lived with many [or any] different partners before getting married, your chances of divorce go down dramatically.My brothers are more likely to have successful marriages, than my dad's co-worker, because they have been obedient to the covenants they have made and have followed the guidelines, stated above. It is sad and hard on everyone when couples end their marriages in divorce, but if we learn from their mistakes, I believe it will end a lot of heartache.